About Us

SHIKSHA SEVA SAHAYATA ( public Trust) provides essential support to people in need in Education sector. Education must be seen as an essential element for the full realization of a human being. SHIKSHA SEVA SAHAYATA has been working in Kolkata for over 5 years. We have adopted a threefold strategy to achieve education for all.

Our Vission

In next 5 years, our goal is to impact 1 million of the 450 million children in India, by enhancing and enriching the quality of education with special focus on rural region.

Our Mission

Contribution to improve the lives of student by meeting their develope mental needs empowering, enabling and engaging volunteers to serve the community through social services.

Discovering Your Humanity

Help to other for great impact in humanity.

A visit back to The Programme

Feel the kindness that is surrounding us.

Feel The Beauty of Nature

Nature is God’s most precious and valuable gift to humans.